We’d like to invite you to see the opinions of the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Councils – academics, business leaders and members of civil society – about how they imagine a better world in 2030 . Please check https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2019/10/future-predictions-what-if-get-things-right/

LocWorld has selected the theme of Go Global, Be Global for its 2019 conferences. It is the very heart of what we study, discuss and do in our translation and localization industry. And yet, there is always some new concept to discover, technology to employ and practice to implement. Check the conference program at https://locworld.com/locworld41-main-conference-program/ .

Follow-Up will be present at the Meet Central Europe 2019 Conference, which will take place on October 10th and 11th in the lovely city of Prague, Czech Republic. It’ll be a great opportunity to meet clients, prospects and colleagues from the translation industry!

Learn more at https://meetcentraleurope.com/

Most EU translation services have integrated eTranslation in their pre-processing arrangements and provide NMT output to their linguists.

Read more at https://slator.com/technology/third-revolution-in-language-is-upon-us-and-will-impact-translators-interpreters-eu/

How will BREXIT impact the Translation Industry?

One question that we’ve been wondering about is whether or not English will remain as an official EU language after Brexit. Each EU member has the right to choose their official language that all of their documents are translated into.

Read more at:  https://www.languageinsight.com/blog/2019/how-will-brexit-impact-the-translation-industry/

The Best Technology Conference on the Planet – Web Summit November 2019

The Best Technology Conference on the Planet – Web Summit November 2019

Answering questions like

Answering questions like “As a buyer, what do I use now – CAT tool, a GMS workflow system or a platform?” and “As an LSP, where do I look for new business while ensuring my bottom line?”, TAUS Global Content Summits are redefining the localization industry and fixing the Translation Ecosystem.

Learn more at:  https://www.taus.net/events/summits/75-taus-global-content-summit-london

LocWorld has selected the theme of “Go Global, Be Global” for its 2019 conferences. It is the very heart of what we in the Translation and Localization industry study, discuss and do. Please check the agenda of the next LocWorld40 Portugal, 11-13 June 2019, at https://locworld.com/events/locworld40-portugal-2019/

GALA 2019 – The Language of Business, The Business of Language – will be held from Sunday, 24 March through Wednesday, 27 March, 2019 at the Westin Grand Munich in Munich, Germany.

Learn more at: https://www.gala-global.org/conference/gala-2019-munich

Reflecting on another year in the translation industry

Learn more at:  https://www.vertaalt.nu/blog/five-trends-that-defined-the-translation-industry-in-2018/