We want to thank you for collaborating with us for another year !

And we wish you all, your work teams and dear family members, a very happy Christmas, with lots of delicious food and affectionate hugs, and a 2022 full of good news!!!
We want to thank you for collaborating with us for another year !
And we wish you all, your work teams and dear family members, a very happy Christmas, with lots of delicious food and affectionate hugs, and a 2022 full of good news!!!
Don’t miss this great event! On Nov 11th you’ll have a lot of things to share and discuss in topics like I18n, L19n, G11n, global brand management, marketing and translation software development.
Please check more details at https://www.smartcat.com/online-events/locfromhome-conference/
Long before they invented the computer, long before they named Globalization, long before the Industrial Revolution existed, there was already that individual whose knowledge of two languages promoted communication and integration between different peoples! This is the wonderful role of the Translator!
Congratulations for the Translator’s Day!
Warm regards,
Follow-Up Team
The International Association of Professional Translators and Interpreters (https://www.iapti.org/) is presenting an interview with Xosé Castro this Friday 3rd September at 5 p.m. UTC, where Xosé will be giving tips on tools and tricks for greater productivity. The interview will be taking place on Instagram Live IGTV: @iapti_org.
Toward the end of 2020, Amazon launched a Live Translation feature for its Alexa virtual assistant — according to a recent report from How-To Geek, the feature is fairly effective in producing translations in languages such as English, French, Hindi, Brazilian Portuguese, Italian, German, and Spanish. Users can speak for up to 25 seconds uninterrupted and Alexa will use a neural machine translation (NMT) engine to produce a translation in the target language.
Read more at https://multilingual.com/amazon-google-attacks/
The week includes leading technology experts and translators talking about the types of technology that are available to help translators make the most of their time and enhance their productivity.
Learn more at: https://www.ciol.org.uk/technology-translators-week
At its core, the localization industry pushes the boundaries of language, culture, and custom to allow people to share ideas, products and services around the world. And, we do a good job of that!
Learn more at: https://locworld.com/events/locworldwide44-virtual-event/
Covid has shone a spotlight on other trans-national threats. As well as a pandemic, the world has contended with an infodemic. We’ve been confronted by the metastasising effect of misinformation, the scourge of the online world.
Read more at https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-55353178
March 04-05, 2021 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
It aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Linguistics and Translation Studies.
Learn more at https://waset.org/linguistics-and-translation-studies-conference-in-march-2021-in-rio-de-janeiro